
Showing posts from September, 2016

New Job, New School, new blog...

Life has been interesting moving back to the USA.  My new job has been interesting.  Still settling in, finding where to best use my techie skills.  I enjoy working with the fantastic staff at Waupaca Middle School. A big change for me this year is supporting Chromebooks mixed with iMacs as teacher computers.  It's a Google Apps for Education school, with Hapara dashboard mixed in.   Some good tools.  This is the first year of a 1:1 Chromebook initiative for the Middle School.  Although teachers have had Chromebooks in their classrooms in the past, the devices did not travel with the students around the school. The Chromebook program, at this point, has taken up most of my time. To help with the Chromebook program, I have started a new tech training blog for the Waupaca School District.  This is where I am posting information, tech tips, and training materials.  As the school year is young, I still have yet to start face to face t...