
Showing posts from August, 2013

KIS Mobile Device Manager, with Casper Suite

At KIS, my edtech team and I have had the task to find alternatives to re-imaging computers.  Re-imaging is stressful for all involved. You want all of your computers up to date, with the software that is needed.  With Re-imaging, computers are collected, connected to a server, and computers are overwritten.  Folks often forget to backup their computers, tears flowing over lost data. I work in a 1:1 Mac environment, with many iPads.  Many teen agers who are new to Macs, and often have a problem making sure their computer is up to date.  A big issue:  lots of iPads, in little hands.  We are also trailing 1:1 iPads in grades 3 and 4 this year. My school also wanted an alternative to Apple Remote Desktop.  A system that allows for monitoring Macs.  At my school, it did not work.  Due to networking issues, it was nearly impossible to find all students in your class with ARD. We were able to find solutions, but ultimately, we ...