
Showing posts from May, 2015

Blogger session at #GIESummit #artschultzblog

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Demo Slam at #GIESummit about IFTTT #artschultzblog

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Transform your Classroom with Blogger

The image to the left is a bunch of piles.  They are sticks, but imagine that the sticks were finished student assignments.  The student picks up their pile, parts of the pile makes it home neatly in a folder.  Some of the pile makes it home, crumpled up in the student's backpack.  Other parts of the pile are never seen again.   Photo Credit:  Ian Sane  via  Compfight   cc How do we get the good stuff home?   The answer is Publishing.  Blogger, is a blogging platform that students have accounts for, attached to their Google Apps for Education accounts.  Blogging is Publishing.   Are your students writing? Making movies? Drawing? Taking photos? Recording their voices?  These can all be added to their Blog, easily. If so, Let Blogger become their "one stop shop" to publish all of their work. Blog Setup & Settings Download the Blog Settings Cheat Sheet Conventions Blogging...


Image courtesy of  David Shankbone  via Flickr & Creative Commons License. How do I interact with those whom I haven't met?  I like Twitter, but I like to think about how else I might use it, in conjunction with my blog. While being in the Coetail Online2 Cohort, I have made attempts at engaging the COETAIL Community, via twitter, and through my blog. Here are a few of my Twitter posts:    I like Twitter, but I often do not find it engaging.  Maybe I prefer working with people I have met face to face.  Who doesn't?  But I wanted to find a way that I can get some interaction between my PLN and also a bit from the folks I have met in person. So I made few blog posts, using Google Forms to make them interactive.   Like this one.  and this one.      The plan was to pass out the blog post via Twitter, and via email to folks I know...  I asked the readers to fill in the form, and voila... the graph...