Professional Development from MakeyMakey

With the coronavirus, I wanted something I could learn about while having some fun and down time, without staring at my Netflix account too much.

I recently found an opportunity to take an online PD from MakeyMakey, presented by Tom Heck.

This course, called 'Beyond the Banana" explores electric circuitry that can be created and adapted to the MakeyMakey, a circut board that connects to a computer via USB. The MakeyMakey acts as a keyboard for the computer to add inputs from the real world.

As the MakeyMakey works as a keyboard, you can program with websites like Scratch, Tynker, or just play a piano.

I created an Indiana Jones drawing, that played the song as well. The Makey Makey was plugged into all of its' front ports, and a few letters via wire plugs on the back. It interacted with this website piano.

My final project was to create a Instructable that goes through the design of an invention. My invention was more of an adaptation of an idea, to create a game I could play with my kids.

I created a Skeeball table, and wrote my first Instructable!

Here is the link to my instructable
I learned a lot, and had some fun. Tom did a great job, learning how to teach an online course during the pandemic. I learned a lot, and some tricks that I can teach my teachers!

Thanks a bunch Tom!


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