FIRST LEGO league Coaching & Goal setting

Me as a Judge at the Wisconsin State FLL competition
 I have been working as a Robotics Coach in my role as an Educational Technology Coach for a few years. This year, I have entered my students into FIRST LEGO League. Last season, I was a judge at state, so I could improve my coaching, and improve my team's performance. This year, I will be doing my second year of organizing students for FLL!

Last season, we did a Virtual Tournament, with some success. But, we did not move on from that tournament.


This year, my students and I have done a lot of reflection about how we can be more successful. The main problem we had last season is that no one took initiative in knowing what needed to be done, and constantly asked adults what they should be doing. 

One thing I have been working on is a Goal writing template for each team. Team members will start practice with this sheet, and discuss who is doing what, and document the goals. At the end of practice, updating the form to communicate what needs to be done for next time.

This will be printed ahead of practice, and added to the Engineering Binders at the end of each practice. This way, we can be Goal Oriented, and Reflective at each practice. 

Click on the image for a copy of the Google Doc.


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