Image courtesy of David Shankbone via Flickr & Creative Commons License.
How do I interact with those whom I haven't met? I like Twitter, but I like to think about how else I might use it, in conjunction with my blog.
While being in the Coetail Online2 Cohort, I have made attempts at engaging the COETAIL Community, via twitter, and through my blog.
Here are a few of my Twitter posts:
I like Twitter, but I often do not find it engaging. Maybe I prefer working with people I have met face to face. Who doesn't? But I wanted to find a way that I can get some interaction between my PLN and also a bit from the folks I have met in person. So I made few blog posts, using Google Forms to make them interactive. Like this one. and this one.
The plan was to pass out the blog post via Twitter, and via email to folks I know... I asked the readers to fill in the form, and voila... the graphs automatically update. I like that I was able to use the responses spreadsheet, and a little spreadsheet know-how to create graph-able data. The graphs were native to Google Sheets.
Here is a direct link to the spreadsheet, should you want to have a look.
This is a process that I have felt that worked for me, and I feel that I want to find ways to use this in creating content in the future. I might look at creating an e-book that has interactive elements, such as Instagram or quizzes...
My model may not be a direct, back and forth engagement, but I feel it does show interaction with my peers and PLN. What do you think? Send me a tweet at @art_schultz or comment below.